Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation
LOCIFU acknowledges the impact of climate change as result of environmental degradation. LOCIFU works for the restoration of wetlands in Uganda, by buying from encroachers and handing it over to government authorities.
Through civic education, LOCIFU has managed to convince the locals to desist from swamp reclamation by educating them on the dangers of swamp reclamation.
LOCIFU has worked hard to discourage people from digging trenches in swampy areas, as these will drain away the water thus reducing the water table. LOCIFU would like to stalk the swamps with fish varieties to improve on the diet of the communities as a means of fighting hunger and conserving the wetland.
LOCIFU would like to see no river being cleared of its plant life, as this increases the speed of water and thus draining away water reducing the water table.
Biodiversity in our community is currently under threat from man –made threats including habitat destruction, poaching and the effects of a rapidly changing climate.
herefore, LOCIFU is at the frontline of protecting the biodiversity and ecosystems. Currently LOCIFU engages in anti-poaching and anti-trafficking work that eventually promotes biodiversity and ensures law enforcement in our community .This has resulted into protection of animals in forests.
We ensure that the animals in their habitat are protected from any disaster that could cause their extinction especially the endangered species. We go to an extent of conserving the environment where these animals live, including making sure that food is in plenty supply especially the grazers and controlling wildfires and eliminate poaching through imparting conservation knowledge especially to the youth who are near the game reserves , forest reserves etc.